برنامج Autodesk HSMWorks Ultimate 2020 كاملا بآخر التحديثات
برنامج Autodesk HSMWorks Ultimate 2020 كاملا بآخر التحديثات
برنامج Autodesk HSMWorks Ultimate 2020 خاص ببرمجة ماكينات سي ان سي CNC في بيئة SolidWorks
وتمتاز بمرونة التعامل معها. يمكن من خلالها التحكم بماكينات ذات 5 محاور 5Axis.
برنامج الميكانيكا والتصاميم والتعديلات والمخططات الهندسيه الاول في مجاله 64 بت
HSMWorks powerful plug and integrated CAM software solution is Salydvrk.
It provides capabilities that will ultimately increase your productivity.
This plug-in connection and proper coordination between the models made by the Solid Framework establishes processes and machines.
When you make changes in the design model. At the same time, these changes are automatically reflected on the map will be model and toolpath. The program benefits from parallel.
This plugin uses the optimal strategies of the Perth minimize cutting and the cutting path may be the most optimal.
This plug-in Salydvrk installed, so you extend the capabilities of this plug-in features application base Salydvrk too are an example of the model and identify conflicts may analyze the pressure between the parts and features that environment Salydvrk on gives you .
The plugin supports a variety of different codes for CNC machine tools at your disposal to evaluate the model and using it possible to simulate the operation of milling, drilling and cutting, etc. is allowed.
Features and HSMWorks:
-The possibility of milling 2. 2.5D
-Optimization of consumables and reducing final fling
-Take advantage of several different codes for CNC machines
-Ability to simulate and evaluate the results
-Toolpath simulation are possible
-The possibility of drilling and drilling operations
-The machining 3D, 3 + 2 and 5-axis
Release Notes
Build / 16 April 2019 Autodesk, Inc.
متطلبات تشغيل برنامج Autodesk HSMWorks Ultimate 2020
Autodesk HSMWorks 2020 supports Microsoft Windows 7 64-bit and Windows 10 64-bit.
HSMWorks 2020 is compatible with the 2017, 2018, and 2019 versions of SOLIDWORKS.
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السلام عليكم
عندي solidworks 2014 وهو الان يشتغل و يتوافق مع اصدار HSMWorks Ultimate 2020 بدون اي مشاكل
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